We are honored to be part of #GivingTuesday hosted by Community Foundation of Greater Huntsville. This is our first year launching our employee contribution program, VectorCARES, and gave out $22,000 in grants. This year, our Community Impact Fund was able to give $42,000.
Congratulations, CAP & GOWN Project, for being one of our Community Impact recipients! Their College 101 Mentorship Program aims to improve college-going and graduating outcomes for all students in Huntsville and the surrounding areas. Their goal is to help our students go off to the colleges or universities of their dreams, get degrees, and then come back and get Jobs In our community and give back. College 101 sessions are held one evening a week at a set school location. The meetings are open to all CAP &. GOWN seniors and cover topics including scholarship applications, resume building, GPA management, time management, who’s who on campus, and more.
To learn more about the CAP & Gown Project, please visit https://www.capandgownproject.org/