Typically, the sooner you hire a financial advisor, the better. Often people start working with a financial advisor around big life changes like a marriage, changing jobs, children being born, or retirement. It might help to think about your personal retirement plan as a cross-country road trip to the West Coast. It would be extremely difficult to take a trip of this length from Huntsville, AL, without a well thought out plan of how to get there. For a successful trip you would start with your desired destination, and then plan for all of your stops, possible detours, and difficult stretches of traffic along the way. This same attention to detail in financial planning is used when a financial advisor is developing a financial plan for you and your family. Sure, you know that you eventually want to retire and spend the rest of your life at ease with your family, but how exactly do you get there? Along the way, you may want to provide funds for your child to go to college, or buy a beach house down on the Gulf coast. These are all things that a financial advisor from Vector Wealth Strategies can incorporate into your financial plan.